Lara Nieberding

The Purple Lara

Posts Tagged ‘Who recommended: Cristina Favreau

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Who recommended: Cristina Favreau, The Savvy Entrepreneur

What I am reading: Get Clients Now by C.J. Hayden

Where in the book: The End

Why I am reading: To make the most of my marketing

Which quote: “Marketing is telling people what you do over and over.”

How this quote adjusted my thinking: This concludes my journey through Get Clients Now. This has been such a positive experience. When I began, I was so overwhelmed with all the marketing information I was reading. I was full of negative self-talk, an unclear plan to achieve my goals and a limited action plan. My Get Clients Now coach, Cristina Favreau, was instrumental in helping me find my focus. Now, I have healthier self-talk, a clear plan for achieving my goals and a rich action plan. I am so glad I participated in the Get Clients Now program. I wish you success in your journey.

Written by The Purple Lara

May 18, 2008 at 8:02 AM